PAIE is a program of the Toronto and Region Conservation Authority (TRCA).
TRCA Core Values
- Integrity: We are honest, ethical, and professional.
- Collaboration: We achieve shared goals through a solution-oriented approach.
- Accountability: We are responsible for our actions, behaviours, and results.
- Respect: We are equitable, fair, and respectful while recognizing individual contributions and diversity.
- Excellence: We maintain a high standard of performance and customer service, consistently striving to improve and produce quality work.
You Can Expect
- Prompt, courteous high-quality service
- Respectful and dedicated staff who will maintain confidentiality
- Referrals to other services and programs when appropriate
- An acknowledgment within 2 business days and a response within 5 business days when a response is requested
Feedback process
Your feedback is very important to us.
- We encourage all current PAIE clients to reach out to their assigned coordinator as a first step.
- If the issue is not resolved to the satisfaction of the client, then the client can email the on-site Supervisor